Sitemap - 2017 - Mickmel

The Galaxy Note 8 vs the Google Pixel 2 XL

The hearing impaired scam

My favorite smart watch right now is... Pebble?

Go Ahead, Pick My Brain

My new morning routine

Anki vs Brainscape

Contactually vs Cloze

Caring sells cars

I've finally found the perfect Twitter app on desktop, and it was right in front of me the whole time

Learn all about WordPress with A Brighter Web

Tinycards vs Anki

Mechanical keyboards are complex, but awesome

Bring an old computer back to life with CloudReady

Switching to the SEO Framework plugin?

The SSL checklist

WordPress Wednesday: What is WordPress Multisite?

A Chromecast on every TV

Digging into Android Wear 2.0

Friday Favorites 4

Track your habits with Habitbull

WordPress Wednesday: How to log in to your WordPress site

Daily Burn for great workouts

Add your Foursquare check-ins to Google Calendar

Friday Favorites 3

From ProsperWorks to Pipedrive for lead management

My current homescreen icons

Type faster with a text expander

You need to keep your website backed up -- use ManageWP to do it

Friday Favorites 2

Keep your old content forever

Please don't have your external links always open a new tab

Verizon's new commercial is aimed specifically at ripping you off

Build a WordPress landing page with a Blank Slate

Easy ways to find time to meet

Tips for consistent blogging

The blogs I follow

Friday Favorites

If you're going to delete an email eventually, just delete it now

Security vs Convenience

Manage your email more easily with Shift

How to choose a WordPress theme

Marco Polo

You should be using Google Photos

Brand loyalty is a bad thing

Getting all of those contacts organized

My favorites things in 2016