Sitemap - 2021 - Mickmel

Humans versus output

In sales, being well-liked is a tie-breaker

Who are your emails from?

Specific goals versus “I’ll know it when I see it”

Own your content and join the POSSE

React to drama with a mind like water

Merry Christmas

Making content that lasts

Your current habits lead to your current results

Engage in Conflict

Talent vs Grit

Places where I was late

Quick looks at great books

What is their reason?

Find your true fans

Testimonials should be specific

Going beyond accessibility to reduce motion

Deficiency versus aspirational marketing

What’s the best decision you ever made?

My favorite Supernatural workouts

Don’t get weary of wonders

A few bad reviews can be a good thing

Delegate and Elevate

What can you control?

Uber everywhere you go

Collaboration beats competition

What we want to see versus what we expect to see

What positive accidents have you seen?

Marketing automation isn’t always the answer

Website themes are not content

Classic tips to avoid the echo chamber

Which is the right tool?

Why do you want more money?

20,000 people say you’ll be happier if you take more chances

Have you faced marketing trauma in your past?

The Weekly Sweep

Grace or outrage?

4.5 Billion Facebooks “likes” every day

Back to Pipedrive

Trust versus expectations

Your opinions require logic when spoken aloud

The armchair quarterback of politics and science

Google may let machine written language rank soon

Earn the trust first

A key for when you should fire a client

Fuel versus friction

News websites are starting to realize they should have worked to own the conversation

The specifics matter

Are you in an idea cult?

Why click through rate doesn’t affect search rankings

The new Kindle Paperwhite is worth the upgrade

The Streisand Effect, slapping teachers, and critical race theory

The difficulty of trying to moderate content is hard to comprehend

Put your digital stuff in the right places

Arguing can be a sign of respect

Open-minded versus actively open-minded

Bring me problems

Do you have something to learn?

Learn what to think by seeing what you say

Images on your website pages don’t help with rankings

Retweeting the click of the day

Where I’m ignorant

Blindly voting a straight ticket is unwise

You are what you value, not what you believe

365 days of blogging

20 Years

Most disagreements aren’t binary

Fewer options = higher engagement

All-nighters are for people who don’t know how to plan

Knowing everything versus thinking again

Your attention is the product

Google sees different types of web pages essentially the same way

One email subscriber = 1,000 Facebook followers

To create better, create more

Thinking for yourself requires the right friends

An anecdote is not evidence

Politics as a hobby

Design is more than veneer

A brilliant “paper” calendar on a digital device

Do you need Powerpoint?

Don’t have all of the answers; have all of the questions

Happiness is reality minus expectations

Balance in any given day is overrated

Rules versus prejudices

An FAQ page might be a sign of bad content

Make sure there is content in your content marketing

Folders are slowly going away

Effort does not equal value

The “about” page is the only good place for your company story

Al Gore and the internet

The good side of hate speech

Animosity drives engagement

Be careful when measuring your targets

You don’t need more website traffic

Don’t overthink SEO

Knowing versus understanding

We don’t all have the same amount of time

Why can’t we just “shut down” child porn?

Yes, it can hurt to “just ask”

Don’t face the blank page

Reading carefully is the new listening, and writing clearly is the new empathy

Trusting authentic recommendations

You don’t need to build your own server

Meta dialogue

Reducing and syncing notifications

You don’t have to have all of the answers if you’re willing to learn

Protect your community

Proving versus improving

Remembering what I wrote

Sharing the posts I write

Speed shouldn’t be a measure for untimed roles

What’s helping Fortnite stick around?

Let’s not agree to disagree

Authenticity without empathy is selfish

Three simple rules for sharing

Who is that person we had lunch with last month?

Friendly versus ruthless rivalries

Procrastination can be productive

I am now less wrong than I was before

Consistently good versus intermittently excellent

What’s really the problem?

The public to private bridge

Why most blogs should allow comments

Principles versus policies

Were you dumb last year?

What blank tape?

Annual car production will drop forever

Consistency is the lamest of all human virtues

Take out the brown M&Ms

How not to grow a business

Don’t be afraid to repeat yourself

Spot the imposter

Tell me about your research

Building castles out of sand

Unlimited information makes confirmation bias easier

The mattress in the road

Don’t change your password without a good reason

Digital marketing doesn’t need to lead to digital sales

You won’t notice the first time you get in a self-driving car

Cities will be getting quieter

The customer is always right in matters of taste

The features that matter to you

The highest isn’t always the best

Users don’t click on your blog page, and that’s ok

Page Experience is becoming more important to Google

The chapters of my life

Why you should keep your phone battery above 30% (but below 80%)

Good versus “must listen” podcasts

That’s against the natural order of things

Facebook still isn’t listening to you

Why did that site show up in the search results?

A big circle of darkness

Email isn’t dead yet

28,687 days

The right tool for the right job

Sometimes chance wins

Where do you really get your news?

Why did my website traffic drop?

This time we waited

Do it right or explain why it’s wrong

This is water

What do you think?

The magic checkbox

Just don’t confuse Google

Episode Zero

The Freedom Phone is asking for trouble

Dash cams are like computer backups

5G has a chance

Shiny, happy, fake people

Computer speed just isn’t much of an issue anymore

The Uplink Marketing Podcast

The idea of ownership is fading

Too many internal links can be a problem

Your phone is fracturing

Luck isn’t a matter of chance

We are nimble, not fast

All of those pesky acronyms

Blogging isn’t a tech issue, it’s a fame issue

The history of the 72 dpi myth

Hotshots shouldn’t get bogged down on tasks

Empathy is key for SEO

The Peachtree Road Race

The ability to search well is a skill

Don’t let the HiPPO have the final say

Who shares your transactive memory?

My recent Google searches

Don't lie to get the project

Substack for easier subscriptions

Shallow fun versus deep fun

Intentionally avoiding the truth

Google isn't looking for tricks

When to honk

Expectations Matter

Technology is deeper than you think

Google launches "Search Console Insights", and it's excellent

Luxuries get taken for granted

Shifting ideas versus flip-flopping

Own your shortcomings

There's room for your own island

Everyone in the restaurant has a story

The fog of war and the future of technology

It's not about ranking first, it's about ranking first for the right keyword

Less is often more

How ancient sea levels impact elections

What is the expected value of that?

Efficiency needs a purpose

Demographics vs Psychographics

Cynic or Skeptic?

Planning saves money

Follow-up is crucial

Should I keep using the microphone?

Missive email

Whenever there is judgment, there is noise

Be predictable, not polite

The truth is worth more than your agenda

Predicting rain doesn't count

Perceived value is all that matters

The rabbit trail of yak shaving

You're not bad at remembering - you just don't care

The matrix of my posts

Every web page should have a goal

Europeans drew incomplete maps

Electric cars are the new digital cameras

Double your whitespace

Branding, Traffic, and Conversions

Don't break the back button

We'll all become parts of a distributed power plant

Be the idiot

Supernatural Exercise

Google ranks pages, not sites

You don't need a new tire

You're most likely a time billionaire right now

That's not my job

A small dose of imposter syndrome is a good thing

It's about execution

Finding old versions of any site

Everything has a place

Control your inputs, control your time

There is no magic bullet for your business

There's no time like "no time"

Spam makes it harder for the good stuff to shine

How I plan out my future posts

Turn back time in Google Earth

Obscurity is still your biggest threat

Trust seals on your site may not be helping

...but don't overthink it

Long periods of thinking, short periods of writing

GTD can help you focus on the present

The location changes, but the story stays the same

Marketing doesn't stop

Show people their super power

Full site editing is coming to WordPress

Some good news on robocalls

Naive Realism

The best use of hashtags

Your website should bring value to your users

GreenMellen is a Cobb Chamber Top 30 Small Business for 2021

Brandolini's Law

I've been around since 1976

Averages or adjustments?

The Barnum Effect

How the hierarchy of attention affects deep work

Problems come from ignored complaints

Why are self-titled albums often the best?

Facial recognition and encryption can't be put back in the bottle

Organized browser tabs with Workona

Writing every day vs. publishing every day

Time-shifting and Clubhouse

Email "thanks" versus a Slack emoji

Your "why" doesn't need to be about you

It's based on an idea of mine

How many lives did the Titanic save?

I'm going to miss Facebook

The news doesn't reflect the world

They're never called "alt tags"

It's people, not platforms

Use URL shorteners for better QR codes

Some first steps with Google Search Console

Fahrenheit to Celsius, fast

What are the odds you're reading this?

Clarity of Purpose

The benefits of changing to a new tool

If you want to improve, keep the comments open

Seeing both sides of the aisle

A new idea for messing with spammers

Hoarding money, marketing myopia, and failure

What's your system for disposable notes?

Website Accessibility: Help your users, help your rankings

You don't have to follow all of the rules

Some quick thoughts on Isabel Wilkerson's "Caste"

Ask more questions to avoid survivorship bias

Explain it to me like I'm five

Does your website pass "The Grunt Test"?

Thoughts on taking the altMBA

Why social media moderation is so hard to fix

"Good job" isn't all that good

Natural Empathy

Why our competitors are better than us

300 posts gone

Using Roam Research with the altMBA

Speeding up this blog

A quick agenda beats no agenda

Thinking through "A Brighter Web"

"Designed by" is a big red flag

Sonder, Ponder, Wonder

1,000 days of Anki

A few more benefits of a standing desk

Why do I care if your company is 50 years old?

Design everything you do

Add tasks in the middle of your work

What's on the back of your cabinet?

How Slack Builds Trust

15 minutes is 1% of a day

One percent can make a huge difference

There are only protagonists

Argue like the Wright brothers

Joe Rogan doesn't have a podcast

Get all of the best apps, or just use a spork?

Making RSS about people

Don't wait for inspiration to strike

Beat Saber is a fun workout

Who do you trust?

The best design is invisible

Thomas Edison was bad at math

Social media is vapor

Or current resident

Johannes Gutenberg was the first Steve Jobs

Night shift all day long

Accept me as I am?

100 days of blogging

Masks are shopping carts

Escape into

Who is "the media"?

We have to do something about it

Don't start tomorrow

What holes do I have in my knowledge?

Needless artificial constraints

Highlighting a physical book

Faster typing is always to your benefit

Some things are worse in order to get better

What record label is Taylor Swift on?

To grow your empathy, think past being the sympathetic hero

Why Seth Godin doesn't tweet

An hour without a mouse

Stand up and work

Reading for the altMBA

Zwifting along

The new site building service

Your job is not to do the easy thing

The WordPress Community

Am I an expert on that?

You should save your published content in Roam Research

PDFs are starting to go away

Seriously, start your own blog

A better use of text expanders

Proper expectations make life better

Write of Passage, Start your Blog

How does interstitial journaling work?

Don't fake it if you don't have to

Monologue vs Dialogue

Listen Longer

Use #CamelCaseHashtags

Writing like you're on a photo walk

If your product is great, price is only a tie-breaker

A quick look at 2020